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Chapters 2-10: Give Mike a Chance

Writer's picture: morgiemoomorgiemoo

I really didn't expect to be so entertained by this book in 2019... but here I am.


These chapters really sucked me back into the story. I lost track of time and had to force myself to put the book down so I could sleep at a reasonable time. BUT they really brought me back into what I was saying in the last post, POOR MIKE. Like, okay no he's not entitled to Bella, and I'm really glad he does go ahead and asks Jessica out to dinner, and accepts her invitation to the dance. He's not desperate for Bella. Edward though, he does not have to be such a dick about it. Like, when he just straight up took Bella from Mike when she fainted. Mike is Bella's friend and he wanted to make sure she was okay, like I'd be pissed too. Some dude that has been off and on friendly and then ignoring her just comes to play hero and completely disregards Mike and his concern. Yeah, be mad man. Edward takes such joy in making Mike mad. If we think about how much older Edward really is compared to his classmates it really just is a bit much.

It's both hilarious and frustrating.

Edward is still physically a teenager, he has to attend high school and interact with teenagers. So yes, it makes sense for him to be acting as a teenage boy would. Edward is different though, in multiple ways. He's ridiculously older than Mike, one, but also, he can hear Mike's thoughts. So like, he can hear exactly what Mike is thinking and then target those insecurities. Like Edward is such an asshole to this poor boy. Isn't Bella rejecting him enough entertainment and reassurance or Edward? Apparently not. Once again, both hilarious and frustrating. I can't help but feel for Mike. Like its a high school crush so it'll be awkward and embarrassing. Bella is doing her best to let him down lightly while dealing with two other guys she has no interest in trying to compete for her, and Edward is just over here like, "lol this is annoying Bella and he keeps trying, I'm gonna hurt his ego." So poor Mike is just being rejected and then Edward rubs it in his face. It's unnecessary, but realistic. Kind of relatable, I know people who have behaved like that, I'm sure I have too. I just can't stop considering that Edward has a different experience with it, he can hear mike's thoughts. That's my issue.

If you haven't caught on, the title isn't directed at Bella, it's Edward. Mike has no chance whatsoever. He can't catch a fuckin' break. Bella isn't going to change her mind, and that's fine. Mike seems like such a sweet guy though, why does Edward want to torture him so bad?? Like he isn't even a threat to Edward. Bella has obviously had no interest in Mike. I get Edward can't read her thoughts so he can't know that for sure like he would for other people, but her behavior alone tells anyone that it's not gonna happen between her and Mike. She rejected Mike in front of Edward for gods sake. Edward is not letting this boy breathe. Bella is over here desperately trying to get him to go after Jessica, and I can't help but feel like its partially to save Mike from Edwards torment.

Alright, I think I'm done with the Mike talk now. Really feeling bad for the kid, obviously.

Other things that really were fun to experience again; Jacob's introduction! I forgot how young he was in the first book. I guess that makes sense though, considering he was older than me when I first read it. He's always been such an adorable character, it was obvious he was scoffing at the tribal stories in an attempt to be seen as cool to the cute older girl. Also, Edward and Bella's dinner in Port Angeles. That was always a really fun scene, both in the book and movie. It is the start of their relationship for sure, very cute and obvious that they are suuuuper into each other. Although, something that was nagging me a bit there is how easily Edward gave up his secret to Bella. She figured it out, sure, but considering the vampire law I would think he'd be much more hesitant. He barely knows her and he's already decided he's either going to change her or kill her. No wonder his family seems so pissed at him (although the view of them is very limited at this point in the narrative) they must think he's an absolute dumbass. I can't think of anything else to point out. I was very entertained, it's super relatable and feels very much like high school, the feeling of teenagers really was nailed down.

One last time though... poor, poor Mike.

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