About a week ago I had a sudden memory of a twilight fansite I made in fifth grade with my then two best friends. I of course quickly geared up and went into the depths of my memory trying to recall what we named it, and to my surprise, I was successful:
Now a brief look through this and it was a hilarious trip down memory lane. My absolute favorite run on sentence I've ever written is my Edward vs Jacob page:

I was also shocked with a discovery that I actually updated some of my old contributions my eighth grade year. All I can assume is that I wanted to save myself from some future cringe by revising my horrible grammar mistakes, rather than deleting the site my friends and I spent weeks of our computer class putting together to end up not finishing or doing anything with. Although, we did manage to get seven members which was impressive for what a disaster the site was.
After I got a good laugh out of this, I decided to share with a couple of my now best friends who had never seen it. It was great, but then one of my friends looked at me, her also being a former Twihard, she says, "Oh my god, let's remake this, we could do it so much better."
So we did! And we're running with it. Who knows where this is going to go, or if anything will come of it, but its fun enough right now to just do it to do it.
Other than just being a Wiki site for the saga we also want to make it a place to interact with other fans and just become an active part of the fandom again.
I think this will be fun.